Tony Robbins Date With Destiny almost never happened for me and thank goodness it came!
After the week from hell I just was not in the best headspace in my life. It was meant to be an experience for the two of us to grow, but I found myself going alone.
Room to myself, king size bed proving I could roll myself many times over and never reaching the edge of the bed…
Yet, I still went because I knew I needed to start-over AGAIN. In this review I’ll be sharing with you my experience, my learnings and the final answer on whether if this date is worth the thousands of dollars…
The Chaperone
So for six days it’s just not only you and Destiny, you’ll have a third-wheel along the journey too!
His name is Tony. His hands are bigger than my face.
He just towers over anyone he stands next to.
He is a living giant in the physical form commanding the room through pure size, yet he just radiates out this aura of brilliance from him.
If this is going to be your first taste of Tony, then get set to be blown away by his genius to convert the complex into the simple.
My Key Takeaways from 6 days at Date With Destiny Event
Create an Extra-Ordinary Life
Although I had been suffering the month before coming to DWD this suffering was so self-centred!
I was suffering because I felt hurt, I felt a massive loss and I felt I should have been suffering because of my circumstances. I was suffering because I was trying to control my life, every area of my life!
Tony brought in this idea of what if you just dropped the suffering. If you just dropped trying to be in-control all the time. If you just dropped the expectations you impose on yourself that keep you in this suffering and surrendered…
Surrendered to Uncertainty and the Unknown, while knowing that you had one thing with you.
Faith that you could handle anything that happens in your life because your life happens for you, not to you!
“Your life’s quality is directly proportional to the amount of uncertainty you’re willing to accept in your life” – Tony Robbins
That Question in Your Head
Your mind will always do two things without conscious thought. It will ask questions and it will seek answers to the questions. When Tony broke it down that throughout your life (heck even in your day) you are consistently asking one question, repeatedly. For most people it is usually an unsupportive question like ‘Why am I alone?’ or ‘Why is this always happening to me?’, maybe even ‘How come no one ever likes me?’
My question, at first, looked great!
‘How can I make this better?’ – on the surface I could see it summed up my love to improve. Yet when I went deeper I realised that underlying this question was another question. The Truth was ‘Why am I not good enough?’
BAM! I woke up and finally took notice of how my life, my actions and my results have been surrounded by me trying to find the answers to this Primary question…
After this awakening though, I’ve been able to change the question into helping me really see the beauty of how to appreciate, even more of, the love and support that surrounds me, right now.
[bctt tweet=”The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions. #TonyRobbins ” username=”World_Seminars”]
Living by Culture
Quite possibly one of the most powerful moments for me on this date was to see Tony do his live interventions.
In one of his demonstrations he shook the room to the core when he picked out this lady from China. She was mid-forties and was on the verge of suicide. Through her interaction with Tony where he uncovered one of the biggest things people do to create a miserable life (especially in the Asian culture) is to focus on living a life through the values of the culture rather than their own.
If you think about it, what is a culture?
It is a set of rules of how to live by as predetermined by someone or a group. If you don’t live by it then you are isolated. So for this lady she felt that she had to a certain way, otherwise what would her relatives and friends think of her?!
Yet inside she was torn between what she believed those around her expected her to be and what she wanted to be…
“If you want to live a life by the lowest common denominator then live it by culture. If you want a fulfilling life, live by your own values.” – Tony Robbins
How would I rate the Date?
These six days are some of the longest, thought provoking and life altering days I’ve ever spent. I’ve been to a lot of courses from many other trainers and there is honestly nothing like Tony Robbins Date With Destiny. It truly goes deep into the core of your essence. It will not be like any other date because you’ll be called upon to be more honest, more open and will be asking yourself the tough questions you’ve been avoiding (maybe for most of your life!). It truly is a date I should have had gone on a lot earlier in my life. I almost missed it this time, but thank heavens I didn’t and now it’s all on me to keep the relationship with Destiny exciting, fresh and AMAZING.
If you have a chance to then make sure you get yourself a ticket to the next Date with Destiny, you’ll never regret it!
About the author
Richard is an International Best-Selling Author, Speaker, Ultimate Man Coach and Host of the ‘Forge Your Life’ Podcast show. He helps men transform themselves from overthinking and afraid of failure, to becoming the action-taker to reach the next level in life. Find out more over at