Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru is a feature documentary film directed and produced by Academy Award nominated filmmaker Joe Berlinger about internationally renowned life and business strategist Tony Robbins and an emotional tour unveils the inner-workings of his mega event called Date with Destiny.
Tony Robbins travels to 12 countries a year, seeing over 200,000 people annually. Once a year in the U.S., Tony conducts a seminar called Date With Destiny in Florida. This is a 6-day live training seminar and each day typically runs over 12 hours. This program guides you to take a look at the force that controls every thought, every feeling, and every emotion of your life. The beliefs, values, and rules that literally control the way you think, feel and behave.In this post, we’re sharing some empowering quotes and sayings from this documentary. You can watch the full Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru film on Netflix.
Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru Inspirational Quotes
1. “Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and they underestimate what they can do in two or three decades.”
2. “Every day, work harder on yourself than anything else. ‘Cause if you become more intelligent, more valuable, more skilled, you can add more value to other people.”
3. “If I could uncover what beliefs and values control me, I can literally redesign me.”
4. “Our entire life changes in a moment.”
5. “Your biggest problem is you think you shouldn’t have them. ‘Cause problems are what make us grow. Problems are what sculpt our soul. Problems are what make us become more.”
[bctt tweet=”Your biggest problem is you think you shouldn’t have them.” #IAmNotYourGuru” username=”World_Seminars”]
6. “If we can realize that life is always happening for us, not to us… game over, all the pain and suffering disappears.”
[bctt tweet=”Life is always happening FOR us not To us! #IAmNotYourGuru”]
7. “Push will wear you out. When you’re pushing to do something, you only got so much willpower. But when you’re pulled, when there’s something larger than yourself that you’re here to serve and that you believe you’re made for, that brings energy.”
8. “Heal the boy and the man will appear.”
9. “You get what you tolerate.”
10. “Questions control what you focus on. What you focus on is what you feel. What you feel is your experience of life.”
11. “If you sit at the table of success too long, you’re going to get bored. Progress equals happiness. If you’re growing in anything, financially, spiritually, emotionally, in your relationship, in your body, you’re going to feel better in your life. That’s what we’re made for.”
12. “We’re meant to grow so we have something to give. You can’t give something you really don’t have.”
Also, we invite you to watch this interview of Tony Robbins on MarieTV about what it takes to have an extraordinary life.
Click the play button below to watch the full interview:
Here are some nuggets of wisdom in this interview:
- “I don’t have to settle. I don’t have to tolerate the life I have, even if it’s good. I want great, magnificent, and outstanding.”
- “When you see someone who’s the best in the world at what they do, they’re being rewarded in public for what they’ve practiced millions of times in private.”
- “What people really want is an extraordinary life, a magnificent life, which is life on their terms.”
- “Raise the bar on what we call suffering so you see it for what it is and realize that you can free yourself from it.”
- “You can free yourself when you trade your expectations for appreciation.”
- “Consider making the most important decision of your life: I will not suffer anymore!”
- “When you are comfortable in yourself, then you can give to other people”
[bctt tweet=”Our mind can take us over unless our heart is what’s running us. #TonyRobbins” username=”World_Seminars”]
[bctt tweet=”Trade your expectations for appreciation & your whole world changes in an instant! #TonyRobbins” username=”World_Seminars”]
[bctt tweet=”It’s really hard to change yourself, it’s easy to change a pattern. #TonyRobbins ” username=”World_Seminars”]
[bctt tweet=”Our competitive advantage is love. @TonyRobbins #IAmNotYourGuru ” username=”World_Seminars”]
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